Thursday, November 15, 2012

Dart Painting!

Hey guys, I'm back and today I'm going to talk about dart painting. This is a type of art that most of you are unaware of, but trust me, it's really a lot of fun... and messy! I in fact, wasn't aware of it until a while ago. I had known what it was, just not the name. Anyway, I was watching Princess Diaries (by the way, great movie!), and they were doing dart painting, so I decided to share it with you! Dart painting is kind of a game, as it is performed in a way that is almost the game darts. Some things that you will need to perform dart painting are: balloons, acrylic paint, a good amount of space (where it doesn't matter if it gets messy. Ex. backyard.), and a canvas. So let's get started!

I couldn't find a good video for you guys, so here's a few steps to teach this to you as simply as I can:
1.    Have a couple of balloons ready. Take one balloon and fill it up with paint (fill it up to your desired amount).
2.    Blow the rest of the balloon up to as big as your desire, and tie         a knot. As you can see in the picture above, the balloons aren't fully blown up.
3.    Repeat steps 1 and 2 with the rest of the balloons    
4.    Hold the balloons in front of or on the canvas (or tape balloon on if you want to play darts). 
5.    Pop balloons with something sharp, if you don't have darts, sharp pencils work.
6.    Tada! Your masterpiece is complete! I hope you enjoyed it!

I hope you all liked my blog post, and maybe even try it out. Also, if you don't want to get messy, you may want to wear a poncho or something else waterproof to prevent paint to come in contact with your body. I hope you found dart painting interesting after you read this, but I'd like to hear your thoughts in the comment section below! Feel free to follow my blog and become a member! Keep updated for more fun tutorials for the upcoming week. That's all for now, see you later! Bye!

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